IEEE MTT-S 会員各位 IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter Chair 楢橋 祥一 ********************************************************************** 「IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter 特別講演」 開催案内 ********************************************************************** 概要: Internet of Thingsで利用されるデバイスにおいて、電池寿命の制約に対する 解決策のひとつとしてワイヤレス給電があります。本講演では、受電点から パイロット信号を送信し、その到来方向に電力ビームを向けるレトロリフレクティブ ビームフォーミング技術について、基本原理、歴史、特徴、実用化に向けた課題 などについて、アメリカ・West Virginia UniversityのProf. Mingyu Luに、 ご講演を頂きます。 ●主催: IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter ●協賛: 電子情報通信学会 無線電力伝送(WPT)研究会 ●日時: 2022年3月8日(火) 9:00〜9:55 ●場所: Zoom Webinarによるオンライン開催 ●参加資格: どなたでも参加できます。 ●参加費: 無料です。 ●事前申し込み: 文末にある「聴講について」の案内をご覧下さい。 ●プログラム ・Title: Wireless Power Transmission based on Retro-Reflective Beamforming ・講師: Prof. Mingyu Lu (West Virginia University, USA) ※ 講演は英語のみとなります。 【要旨】 With the rapid development of Internet of Things, a vast number of small, low-cost, and low-power mobile electronic devices, such as radio frequency identification tags and wireless sensors, will become integral parts of our society in the near future. Supplying electrical power to these devices wirelessly would eliminate/relieve their battery life limitation, and therefore is envisioned to be one of the enabling technologies for the next-generation Internet of Things. Since wireless power delivery must be dedicated to the designated receivers in space, it is inevitable to employ one narrow electromagnetic beam as the carrier of wireless power toward each mobile device. The retro-reflective beamforming technique has excellent potential to accomplish efficient wireless power transmission in the context of Internet of Things, as it is capable of keeping track of multiple mobile devices and then generating wireless power beams to the devices accordingly. The primary merit of retro-reflective beamforming technique is that wireless power transmission is augmented by radar tracking. Specifically, wireless power transmission is initiated by pilot signals broadcasted from wireless power receiver(s); and in response to the pilot signals, a wireless power transmitter delivers directional microwave power beams to the receiver(s). This presentation reviews our past, ongoing, and future research efforts on wireless power transmission based on retro-reflective beamforming. This talk starts with the fundamental principles and a brief history of retro-reflective beamforming technique. Next, the pros and cons of retro-reflective beamforming are analyzed via comparison with other wireless power transmission techniques. Plentiful theoretical and experimental results collected in our research demonstrate that the retro-reflective beamforming scheme enables microwave power beams to follow the location of mobile wireless power receiver(s) dynamically as long as the receiver(s) broadcast pilot signals periodically. The last part of the presentation discusses the challenges pertinent to the practical application of retro-reflective beamforming technique. なお、最新の情報は下記のサイトにてご確認ください。 *******聴講について******* ご聴講(2022年3月8日(火)9:00〜9:55)を希望される場合は、 下記のリンクからご登録、ご聴講願います。 なお、ウェビナー登録リンクは下記URLにも掲載しています。 IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapterのホームページ [注] 2022年3月7日、8日(月、火)に開催されます電子情報通信学会 無線電力伝送(WPT)研究会とは別に聴講登録が必要です。