Foundation of Kansai Chapter

Electron Devices Kansai Chapterが日本、IEEE Kansai Sectionの下に新たに設立された。Kansaiは京都、大阪、神戸、奈良を含む地域で長らく日本の政治、文化の中心として機能してきたところであるが、このKansai Chapter には現在170名のEDS会員が所属している。この結果、従来のJapan ChapterはJapan ChapterとKansai Chapterの二つに分かれる。Japan ChapterはJapan Councilに属しKansai ChapterはKansai Sectionに属す。平成12年12月25日京都駅前ルネッサンスビル内で設立記念式が開かれた。Kansai Chapter Chair 野澤 博、Vice Chair 数村 勝、Secretary 山本 靖、Treasure 大槻 達男、およびKansai Chapterの主要メンバーが集まり今後の活動について意見交換した。また、EDS Regions/Chapters Committee Chairである岩井 洋先生並びにJapan Chapter Chair 坪内 和夫先生をお招きしそれぞれお祝い、激励のお言葉を頂戴した。

English Version

The ED Kansai Chapter has been newly
founded under the IEEE Kansai Section, Japan. Kansai is a geographical region in Japan, including Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, and Nara. Kansai had been the political and cultural center of Japan for a very long period. In fact, old Japanese Capitols had been located in this region for more than 15 hundred years until only 130 years ago. The number of EDS members in the Kansai Chapter is about 170. Now, the Japan Chapter has been divided into two chapters, the Japan Chapter under the Japan Council and the Kansai Chapter under the Kansai Section. The Japan Chapter covers the 7 remaining section areas under the Japan Council, including Tokyo Sendai, Hiroshima, Fukuoka, and so on. The opening ceremony was held at the Renaissance Building in front of the Kyoto station on December 25. Hiroshi Nozawa, Chair, Masaru Kazumura, Vice Chair, Yasushi Yamamoto, Secretary, Tatsuo Otsuki, Treasurer, and other key members of the chapter attended the ceremony to discuss its new activity. The EDS Regions/Chapters Committee Chair, Hiroshi Iwai, and Japan Chapter Chair, Kazuo Tsubouchi, were invited to give congratulatory speeches on behalf of the EDS and the Japan Chapter, respectively.

前列左から右へ、EDS Japan Chapter Chair坪内 和夫、EDS Kansai Chapter Chair 野澤 博、EDS Regions/Chapters Committee Chair岩井 洋、後列左から右へ、Treasure 大槻 達男、Treasure 山本 靖、鈴木 彰、谷口 研二、Vice Chair 数村 勝、葛原 正明、中村 孝。