* Call for Nominations 2012 IEEE FUKUOKA SECTION [#wd91bbaa]
** Important Informations [#v6ee3605]
+ Additional Nomination Deadline : October 15th 17:00 JST
+ Number of Signatures on Petition for Additional Nomination: 10

** Officers for Election [#c052c176]
- Chair : 1 person
- Vice Chair : 1 person
- Secretary : 1 person
- Treasurer :  1 person

** Nominations [#l9edd3dd]
- Chair : 
- Vice Chair :
- Secretary :
- Treasurer : 

** Fukuoka Section Addendum [#qf7c382e]
ARTICLE VI - Nomination and Election of Officers

Section 1		
A Nominating Committee consisting of 3 members, not then officers of the Section, nor intending to stand as candidates for office, shall be appointed by the Section Chair with the approval of the Section Executive Committee.  If available to do so, the immediate Past Section Chair will serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee.

Section 2
The nominations of the Nominating Committee shall be announced to the Section membership and, following this, a minimum of 28 days allowed for additional nominations by petition.  To be valid, the petition must be signed by 10 or more voting members or 1% of the Section’s voting membership, whichever is fewer.  In no case shall more than 25 signatures be required.   

Section 3
If only one nomination is made for each office, the election shall be declared by acclamation at a meeting of the Section general membership, or the Section Executive Committee.  If additional nominations are made, election shall be made by ballot, mailed or made available on the Internet to the membership with the vote counted by a Tellers Committee appointed by the Section Chair.  In the case of an Internet based election, the membership shall be notified by mail of the URL address and the procedure for voting in the election. Internet ballots must provide for Member identification and verification of eligibility.

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