IEEE Japan Sections' 60th Anniversary Celebration was held on March 3rd 2017 at the Chiba Institute of Technology in Chiba, Japan. 91 delegates attended Japan SYWL Workshop and 230 people participated in this ceremony and reception, including the IEEE President, R10 Director, Executives, R10 section Chairs and Delegates.
Ceremony & Reception Report

The celebration ceremony began with opening and greeting speeches given by JC Chair Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda and R10 Director Prof. Kukjin Chun. These were followed by congratulatory addresses by distinguished guests, 2017 IEEE President & CEO Karen Bartleson, MIC Japan Director General Yasuhiko Taniwaki, Past R10 Director Prof. Takuo Sugano, and JC-SAC Chair Prof. Yasuharu Ohgoe. The Japan sections’ activities over the 60 years since establishment and Japan 9 section chairs greeting were provided by video. The 2016 Supporting Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Award was presented to 8 companies in the Tokyo section for their long support of IEEE Japan sections.
IEEE sections in Japan started as the IRE Tokyo section with only 50 members in 1955. Tokyo Section first covered all IEEE members in Japan and Japan Council was established in 1999. Now we have 9 sections and approximately 14,000 members. We will continue to make strong efforts to ensure that IEEE Japan sections’ activities are more enthusiastic and enjoyable. This will achieve our vision of contributing to humanity with science and technology.
The reception started with opening speech given by JC Past Chair Prof. Tomonori Aoyama. He declared the Restart of IEEE Japans' Sections with stories of the Japanese 60th birthday "Kanreki" and traditional event "Hinamatsuri" on 3rd March in Japan. The guests joined Kagami-biraki” which is Japanese traditional sake barrel breaking ceremony to wish everyone prosperity and health. Also we held a local sake party and “Hinamatsuri” decorations included Kimonos, Cherry blossom, several beautiful Japanese patterns, etc. On this occasion, we deepened our friendship with the attendees from other countries, generations, positions and cultures.
IEEE Japan Sections' 60th Anniversary Celebration on 3rd March 2017 - Spherical Image - RICOH THETA
Workshop Report
Japan SYWL (Students/Young Professionals/Women in Engineering/Life Member) workshop was held at 12:30 – 16:30 just before the Japan Sections’ 60th Anniversary Ceremony.
91 delegates attended from each Affinity group, Student Branch, various Industries and Section. The main purposes of this workshop were: 1. Promote future activities 2. Propose the solutions to our common issues 3. Discuss the role of IEEE for a better future and share ideas. The participants were separated into 9 groups and discussed the following topics (falicitator), 1. Collaboration and Activation of IEEE Activity A. Activation of the local activities by "Collaboration" and "Involvement with others" (Takuo Suzuki) B. Activation of the activity by the collaboration with outside organizations like "Industry", "Academic" and "NPO", etc. (Lidwina Andarini) C. What is the role of the global networking for the students? (Yasuharu Ohgoe) 2. Career Development and IEEE D. Advantages of participation to IEEE as a young engineer of industry (Hiroko Nagashima) E. How to utilize the networking of IEEE? (Mayumi Suzuki) F. How to connect between IEEE activity and personal career development? (Osamu Toda) 3. For further evolution of IEEE G. Significance of IEEE for incoming global society (Mamiko Inamori) H. How to lead the cutting edge technologies in 40 years later by IEEE? (Makoto Higaki) I. What is the value of IEEE as a student? (Takako Hashimoto)
The student members mainly lead the presentation and the discussion results were presented to the guests from R10 and IEEE Board of Directors. After the presentation, we discussed the information with them and various significant opinions and proposals were shared by all attendees.
This SYWL workshop was started on Tokyo MAW 2015. It has encouraged the spread of cross-generation and cross-technical fields communications throughout Japan IEEE members. Today’s workshop has clearly provided us with further improvement capability.
- 12:30-16:30 Japan SYWL Workshop
- 17:00-18:15 Ceremony - MC: Prof. Takao Onoye (2017-2018 Japan Council Vice Chair)
- Opening Address - Prof. Toshitaka Tsuda (2017-2018 Japan Council Chair)
- Address by Region 10 Director - Prof. Kukjin Chun (2017-2018 Region 10 Director)
- Video - IEEE Section Activities in Japan
- Congratulatory speech
- Karen Bartleson (2017 IEEE President & CEO)
- Yasuhiko Taniwaki (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan Director –General)
- Prof. Emeritus Takuo Sugano (1999-2000 R10 Director)
- Prof. Yasuharu Ohgoe (2017-2018 Japan Council SAC Chair)
- Video -Message from IEEE Sections in Japan
- Award presentation
- The 2016 Supporting Friend of IEEE Member and Geographic Activities (MGA) Award to 8 companies in Tokyo section
- Closing
- 18:30-20:00 Reception - MC: Hidenobu Harasaki (2015-2016 Japan Council & Tokyo Section Secretary)
- Opening Address - Prof. Tomonori Aoyama (2015-2016 Japan Council Chair)
- Congratulatory speech - Prof. Kazuhito Komiya (President of Chiba Institute of Technology)
- "Kagami-biraki"
- Toast - Toshiharu Aoki (2009-2010 Japan Council Chair)
- Local Sake Party and "Hinamatsuri"
- Closing Address - Prof. Iwao Sasase (2017-2018 Tokyo Section Chair)